SNAP: Stories of Survival (Winner, Gold: The Telly Awards 2023)
Gold Telly Award Winner
Co-Directed and Edited by Andrew J. Morgan and Nick Nummerdor
*This video contains content that discusses sexual assault.
Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests:
SNAP is the largest, oldest and most active support group for women and men wounded by religious and institutional authorities (priests, ministers, bishops, deacons, nuns, coaches, teachers, and others).
The overarching goal of this film is to bring authenticity to these survivor stories as well as highlighting the history, mission, and support that SNAP offers. We wanted to portray each survivor's strengths in an effort to further empower them; all the while portraying how their own strength and courage are supported by the SNAP Network.
Director of Photography - Andrew Morgan
On Location Sound - Nick Nummerdor
Producer - Little Cabin Films
Executive Producer - Zach Hiner, SNAP
Producer Patrick Price